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In my Street

My life is a street
There you can find everything, nothing, something
I've seen a man asking for food
Another one who needed company.
Now, you can travel around the world
Looking for a solution
But it has always been with you!
Come to my street,
I'll show you
How difficult it is to be lonely!
Give me an example
I'll present you millions
I will tell you the past, prove the present
And, in the future, we'll live together.

Tiago Carneiro, year 12, class E


This Sun

This sun cuts veins
Deep with freedom
oozing flowers with emotion,
crying feelings
in a dream that always flies

(Year 10, class D)



Poets, come out of your closets
and shout out loud
to burn the silence.
Open the windows
to scan the world outside.
Leave your doors wide open
then choose the words that travel far
Don't be so naive:
it's time to reach the summit of soul
and plunge into the unknown
with sharp senses,
defying gravity.

Year 12, class E (on the poem Populist Manifesto n0.1 by Laurence Ferlinghetti)


Simple Personal Pronoun Poem

I love you
you said you loved me too
he was jealous
she kissed him
we fell in love
you got divorced
they celebrated

Be my Valentine

Be my angel
my valentine
a diamond burning bright
a bird in the sky
a flower in spring
...pure joy

(Year 9, class C)


Serpent love poem

kiss sunset tear rainbow
wonderful love experience
eager run numb blue
end date era amazing
great truth

(Whole class)year 9, Class B


Morning has broken

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day
Aqui está o podcast



Imagine a rainbow,
a clear sun through a waterfall,
a womb of happiness;
water, child and mother
together in a magnificent ocean.
A sudden light,
a ray of hope, a nest of joy.
Imagine all the people
living there in peace
and the world will live as one.

 Tiago, Bruno, Nuno, Vitor, Patrícia and Carla: year 12, class E


A poem is not...

 A poem is not an ant
but it can be quite short.
A poem is not a banana
but there may be something under its skin.
A poem is not a coat
but it may have some warmth in it.
A poem is not a dog
but it might be quite a friend.
A poem is not an endless pair of trousers
but it can be quite long.
A poem is not a footballl shaped like a cucumber.
A poem is not a great number of things.
A poem is not a hedhehog
but it might be hard to get hold of.
A poem is not an igloo
but it can feel like home.
A poem is not a jumble sale,
but it might contain some rubbish.
A poem is not a kite
but it might enjoy the wind.
A poem is not a lightbulb
but you can change it if you want to.
A poem is not a monkey
but can be quite human.


A Poem Is A Little Path

A poem is a little path
That leads you through the trees.
It takes you to the cliffs and shores,
To anywhere you please.

Follow it and trust your way
With mind and heart as one,
And when the journey's over,
You'll find you've just begun.

From The 20th Century Children's Poetry Treasury,
Knopf, 1999, copyright by Charles Ghigna.